I Quit Smoking

This Program Contains


This program contains:

Both the audio CD program and the MP3 Download program are broken down into chapters so that once you have gone through the educational portions of each session, he/she can easily jump to just the hypnosis and NLP portion of any session.  

Foreword by Alan B. Densky.  I'll tell you a little bit about myself and my way of doing things.  I discuss the behavioral changes that are about to automatically take place for you.

Session 1: Knowledge Is Power. When clients come into my office, I don't just plop them down in a chair and start a hypnotic session.  Knowledge is power, and it accelerates and amplifies anyone's success.  So in Session 1 we discuss the different therapeutic approaches used in each session; how to obtain the best results; realistic expectations; the common misconceptions about hypnosis; the difference between a "Patient" and a "Client"; what compels a person to smoke; the and the three prerequisites for effortlessly quitting smoking.

Session 2: NLP Technique - Flash Away Cravings.  There are very powerful Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques that can be used to "flip" things around in the unconscious, so that things that used to trigger urges and oral cravings actually eliminate them!  The same techniques can be used to cause the unconscious to use stress producing thoughts to trigger relaxation instead.  

The NLP techniques used in this program are the foundation of our Neuro-VISION Video Hypnosis Programs.  (With Neuro-VISION, the need to visualize is eliminated because the video does the visualizations for the viewer.)  In this session, you learn how to use these NLP visualizations to train the unconscious to automatically eliminate conditioned response type urges to smoke.

Conditioned responses take place when a person pairs two behaviors together. For example: If a person smokes when he/she has a cup of coffee, the unconscious will pair these two behaviors together so that each time that person drinks coffee in the future, he/she will get an urge to smoke!

Session 3:  This is the first induction of hypnosis, and we utilize gentle methods to guide you into a blissful, deep state of relaxation.  Post hypnotic suggestions are given to the unconscious to eliminate stress and cravings. NLP techniques are used to help you create and anchor feelings of self-esteem, which are then linked to remaining a non-smoker in the unconscious mind. This is critical to increasing a person's motivation to do what is necessary to feel good about being a non-smoker.  It sends the unconscious in a direction to motivate permanent success.

Session 4: Flash Away Stress.  In this session, you learn how to use NLP visualizations to train the unconscious to automatically eliminate disturbing thoughts and stress.

Session 5: NLP Technique - The Chop.  The Chop is an NLP technique that I invented to install an aversion to cigarettes.  This one can really make cigarettes into a major turnoff.

Session 6: Hypnosis for relaxation using metaphor.  I explain how Ericksonian Hypnotic Metaphors work.  Then I use a metaphor to create and deepen the hypnotic state and direct the unconscious mind to eliminate cravings, urges, and compulsions so that any residual cravings are crushed, and the ex-smoker's appetite to overeat is vaporized!  NLP techniques to anchor self-esteem and connect it to remaining a non-smoker are reinforced.

Session 7: Hypnotic Process instructions are generalized instructions to the unconscious to retrieve memories where prior learning has taken place, and then to utilize those learning experiences to make the desired changes in an automatic fashion.  In this session you are guided into a profound state of hypnosis.  In this state,  the unconscious learns how to substitute pleasant memories and fantasies in place of cigarettes or food and drink to produce relaxation and pleasure.  This goes a long way towards eliminating stress, as well as cravings and the compulsion to smoke or substitute food in place of cigarettes.  NLP techniques to anchor self-esteem and connect them to never smoking again are reinforced.


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