Affiliate Program FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions and Important Program Information

How do I join the affiliate program?

To join our affiliate program you simply click here for the Neuro-VISION Affiliate Program application. Once you sign up, you can immediately paste banner and text links into your own web site.

Does it cost anything to join?

No! The affiliate program is FREE.

What if someone follows my affiliate link to your site, doesn't buy something on their first visit, but does make a purchase a few days later? Will I still earn a commission?

Yes. Once a person follows your affiliate link to our site, if they make a purchase at any point in the future, you will receive a commission, unless they click another affiliate's link before making a purchase.

How can I check my earnings?

The affiliate program is administered by our corporate office for the tracking, on-line reporting and payment processing of affiliate sales. As an affiliate you have access to a password protected area on this site where all the traffic, clicks, leads and sales figures can be accessed in real-time on a 24/7 basis.

When and how do I get paid?

You receive a monthly commission check each time you earn more than as little as $30.00 

Important Program Information

  • All retail sales are commissionable.
  • Webmasters promoting our affiliate program by using spam (unsolicited emails), inappropriate newsgroup postings or any other marketing technique which we may deem inappropriate will be immediately withdrawn from the program and lose any outstanding payouts. 
  • We constantly monitor our associates' performances for the possibility of fraudulent behavior.
  • Affiliates will not receive commissions for products they order for themselves through their own affiliate links.
  • Affiliate tracking technology is based on cookies. Any lead or sale generated by a surfer with cookies "switched off" cannot be traced, thus no commission can be paid. 
  • A very small percentage of sales (less than 1%) come to us by phone, fax and snail mail. This type of order is not always traceable back to the referring affiliate site; therefore only orders placed online are guaranteed commissionable.

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