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What People Are Saying About Neuro-VISION®


5 Star Rating "The Neuro-VISION Program really works, and you don't feel hungry. Now that I've lost 72 lbs., when my friends see me and I hear the compliments, it makes me feel great."
-- Debbie Dunn



5 Star Rating "I've lost 47 pounds without really trying, and I get lots of attention now. My husband loves it, he even brags about me. My best decision was to call Neuro-VISION."
-- Madeline Denbo


 5 Star Rating"I had a weight problem all my life. I was like a yo-yo, up and down. Thanks to Neuro-VISION, my compulsion to eat is gone and I've lost my appetite. I feel much more relaxed and much better about my appearance. Today I can live and sustain my 60 pound weight loss, and I feel great."  
-- Walter Gratkowski


5 Star Rating "I've lost 50 lbs! Weight loss was always a struggle until I overcame my appetite! Things changed for me quite rapidly in terms of being able to deal with stress much better, and because of that, I began to lose weight rapidly. I am now half the size I was. I was wearing a size 18, now I'm down to a size 9 and I'm thrilled."
-- Roseanne Liebermann


5 Star Rating "When I began the Neuro-VISION Program I weighed 160 pounds. Since then I've lost 50 pounds and have had no trouble maintaining my weight. Before I had overwhelming cravings to eat - especially while watching TV at night. But after a few sessions of Neuro-VISION the cravings disappeared. Before Neuro-VISION my weight had controlled me, now I have control over it.  
-- Stephanie Ridgedall


5 Star Rating "When I came into the program I did not have good eating habits. I ate in between meals. I ate desserts and so-forth. I wanted something that would last for the rest of my life, not a quickie diet where you lose weight and put it back on again. The greatest thing I think is that now I'm never hungry! I'm a more relaxed person as well. I feel that the program is exceptional! It's worked very well for me. I've lost 22 lbs. and I feel great about myself!" Ken Hill


5 Star Rating "I've been on the program for 4 months and I've lost 55 lbs.  I'm down several dress sizes and I'm running out of clothes. It was very easy to lose the weight with this program because you lose your compulsion to eat. You don't feel that craving to eat things. You feel relaxed and comfortable and you don't get that jumpy, grouchy feeling that you usually get when you're dieting."  -- Jeanie Langer


5 Star Rating "I used to eat a lot, mostly when I would get upset.  That's all I wanted to do was eat.  Once you start to eat a piece of cake, one piece leads to another.  I was very skeptical about the program, but I decided to give it a try.  I lost my cravings for food, I lost my desire to eat all the time, and I was losing so beautifully that I really didn't care about food anymore.  I lost 38 pounds, and I went from a Size 22 to an 18. I've kept the weight off, though I've been away.  It was worth the money, and I'd recommend this program to my friends or anyone."


5 Star Rating "At Neuro-VISION I found a program that I could readily adapt to.  I became very motivated, and I did lose the cravings.  I lost 41 lbs., and it's been easy to keep it off." --Leah





Debbie Dunn




Madeline Denbo





Walter Gratkowski





Roseanne Lieberman






Stephanie Davies









Ken Hill







Jeannie Langer















Leah lost weight

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