The TLC Weight Loss Diet
It is rare for the government to endorse a specific type of diet. This is understandable. It has a responsibility to remain somewhat objective. Its main priority is to give people the information that they need to live healthily. So, the fact that the government has given its approval to the TLC weight loss diet makes it a promising prospect.
Like many people, you might be on the lookout for a suitable diet and eating plan. You may be hoping for a way to increase your physical health and lower your cholesterol. The good news is that the TLC weight loss regime could be the right choice. The question is, can this diet make a difference? Or, is it just another way for dieters to set themselves up for a fall?
These are important questions. Thousands of people abandon attempts to eat healthier every day. They do so because they have no faith in the results. For many, it is difficult to be patient. It is hard to stay motivated if the pounds are not melting away immediately. Yet, this is an unrealistic approach to dieting. We all know it, even if we don’t like to admit it. Even the most rapid weight loss strategies have to involve commitment.
This guide to the TLC weight loss diet will help you to decide whether this kind of weight loss plan is right for you. It will also give you some advice on how hypnosis could be your secret weight loss weapon.
Getting to Grips with the TLC Weight Loss Diet
First, we are going to explore the TLC eating plan as the best weight loss diet available. It was created by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Its nickname ‘TLC’ stands for Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes. So, already the difference between this and other kinds of weight loss diets is clear. This is very much a medically informed eating plan. It has been put together in cooperation with medical health experts.
The diet places strict limitations on fat, sodium, and dietary cholesterol. This means that fatty meat, whole dairy products, and fried foods are off the menu. But you knew that already. There are not many diets that encourage people to eat these three things in large volumes. The simplicity of the TLC weight loss diet is one of its biggest advantages.
Yes, it is hard to give up fried treats and other fatty foods. But not because the eating plan is over complicated or fussy. You know that if you fail to follow the TLC weight loss diet rules, it is your lack of willpower creating the problems. It might sound like a frivolous realization, but it is a very valuable one. If it is not the eating plan to blame, it is your way of approaching it. You, like so many of us, have fallen into bad habits.
The TLC diet for weight loss encourages the consumption of lots of fruit and vegetables. It also directs dieters towards the benefits of eating skinless poultry. Ingredients like chicken and turkey can be boiled and used as an alternative to red meats. As beef and lamb contain a lot of saturated fat, they should be avoided. Fried foods are the real enemy of quick weight loss, so resist the urge to splurge.
Sample TLC Weight Loss Diet Menu
½ cup oatmeal with 1 cup fat-free milk, 1 teaspoon of brown sugar, and 1 sliced banana
Caffe latte made with 1 cup fat-free milk
Sandwich made from 2 slices whole wheat bread, 2 ounces lean turkey, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomato
1 cup carrot sticks
1 apple
1 cup low-fat or nonfat vanilla yogurt
½ cup mixed raisins and peanuts
3 ounces baked or broiled salmon
1 cup cooked brown rice
1 cup cooked broccoli
1 tablespoon olive oil (used in cooking)
Salad made with 1½ cups romaine lettuce, ½ cup tomatoes, ¼ cucumber, 1 tablespoon vinegar and oil dressing
1 slice Italian bread with 1 teaspoon soft margarine
1 sliced peach with 1 cup fat-free milk
Menu reprinted from WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. Neuro-VISION, Inc. and Healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.
What Good is a Diet, If You Can’t Stick to It?
The thing to remember about the TLC weight loss diet is that it is only as effective as you are. This sounds harsh, but it is the cold reality of the situation. Most diets will work and help a person to lose weight. Most diets do not fail because they don’t work. They fail because of a lack of commitment and motivation. And this is a natural part of modern life. We have become addicted to cell phones, video games, fatty snacks and sedentary lifestyles.
And there are a million reasons why it is hard to turn away from these things and invest some time in diet and exercise. The main culprit is our established bad habits, and we are all guilty of this. We use excuses like ‘I’m too busy’ to go to the gym. Or, we avoid frozen foods over fresh ingredients, because we want ‘better value.’ But these are excuses and they can be conquered. You just need a little help breaking those harmful thought patterns.
The right place to begin is with the reason for these bad habits. Now, this can be a tough thing to do in itself. For most people, it is easier to avoid tough questions like ‘Why do I overeat?’ The answers are not always comfortable. You might constantly snack and graze because you are bored. Or, you may be using food to deal with an emotional trauma.
If this is case, hypnosis may be able to help you overcome these bad habits. If you are wondering ‘Does weight loss hypnosis work?’ it could be time to give it a try. You are likely to be dazzled by the results. The reason why hypnosis and hypnotherapy complements weight loss diet plans is because it gets right to the root of the problem. It identifies harmful thought patterns and reframes perspectives. So, hypnosis does not use brute force to try to convince you that dieting is fun. It actually helps you to see dieting and weight loss in a positive way.
Understanding Why Your Diets Keep Failing
To give the TLC weight loss diet the best chance of success, you need to understand the reasons why it might fail. Once you are aware of them, you can take steps to avoid them. There are three key components that trigger the appetite. They are as follows:
There are three key components, which can trigger cravings. And they are difficult to eradicate without help. The good news is that these components can be broken.
The number one mechanism is that clients stuff food into their face for relaxation and pleasure. This little program in the subconscious is created when an infant’s mother puts a bottle in the infant’s mouth when it starts to cry. The infant becomes distracted, relaxes, and usually falls asleep.
Additionally, sugar, fat, and salt cause pleasure responses. The more regularly we consume them, the better we like it. This is an additional reason why a lot of clients associate food with feelings of pleasure.
The second mechanism includes what are known as conditioned responses. These are externally triggered. For example: When we eat and simultaneously watch TV, our subconscious mind associates eating with watching TV. Logically then, the environments in which we eat on a regular basis remind us to feel cravings and a compulsion to eat.
The same rules apply to behaviors. If you always eat while working at your desk, your subconscious will trigger oral cravings each time you engage in this activity.
And last but not least, there are subconscious emotional reasons why people overeat. This is a difficult concept for many to grasp. Some people start to feel compulsions to eat because when a client is overweight, it can provide emotional protection. For instance, it can be a way of rejecting a spouse on a sexual level in a troubled marriage. Ninety-nine percent of the emotional eaters don’t recognize this aspect of their personality.
The Benefits of the TLC Weight Loss Diet
The only real downside to following the TLC weight loss diet is that you need to be willing to track your consumption of sodium, fat, and dietary cholesterol. This last component is very important. It needs to be strictly controlled. This can be done by eating poultry and meat. Even though turkey and chicken are encouraged, they should be eaten in fairly small amounts (no more than five ounces per day).
If you struggle to cut out fatty foods and salt, turn to self-hypnosis to help you stay committed. With the right Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques, it will be much easier to stick to the diet plan. This is because NLP techniques target the actual thought patterns that drive harmful temptations. They commonly use visual imagery and visualization tactics to reshape how a person thinks about food.
This can be done with the use of visual anchors. They connect thoughts of healthy eating to feelings of satisfaction and happiness. Essentially, it very clear that temptation is all in the mind. And, if you conquer it in your mind, then you have beaten it in reality at the dinner table. NLP techniques and hypnosis strategies are effective, because they break those bad habits that we established earlier. They do not conceal or distract them. They change them.
Making Self-Hypnosis a Part of Your Diet
The best part about self-hypnosis is that you do not have to invest in costly one on one sessions. It is a misconception to believe that this is the only way to benefit from hypnosis and NLP techniques. The hypnotherapy programs can be just as effective if they are delivered via an audio or video recording. This is usually in the form of a CD or MP3 bought online or from a store.
Once you have such a recording, the only thing needed is you. All that you have to do is listen carefully to everything on the CD or MP3. You should not interrupt or pause the session, because this will disrupt your progress. If possible, listen in a quiet room with no distractions. As an MP3 can be played almost anywhere, the possibilities are endless. You can practice your hypnosis techniques whenever and wherever that you like.
However, you must make sure that you buy a high quality recording. There are lots of hypnosis products out there and not all of them are reliable. To work, the recording needs to have been created by a professional. NLP techniques cannot be put on tape by just anybody. You can find a reliable product by researching the programs and NLP systems available in your local area. Or, of course, you can buy an audio recording from an online store.
If you choose the latter option, make sure that you read some reviews and testimonials before you buy. It is important to be a sensible consumer and take steps to ensure the quality of your chosen product. Once you have found the perfect recording, you can use it to complement the TLC weight loss diet. And, before you know it, the pounds will be melting away.
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